Law enforcement officer

Law Enforcement Officers: Avoid These Financial Mistakes


Most law enforcement officers pride themselves on being in control. And there’s no doubt that the ability to correctly assess a situation and act or react in a way that keeps it under control is a big part of the job.

But for too many officers, their financial life is an area that is not in control. Maybe not completely out of control—but headed in that direction. Now, you might think it’s none of anybody else’s business. It’s your money, right? But the fact is that when your personal finances are not in good shape, your mind can drift; you can be distracted. And when you’re on patrol, that’s no time for your attention to be wandering.

Let’s take a look at some of the most common unforced financial errors that many law enforcement officers make, along with some tips on how to get better. It won’t surprise you to know that these are the same challenges faced by most Americans, but improving on these areas will put you ahead of the game, both professionally and emotionally.

1. No budget

This is the point where many people tend to roll their eyes. But the reason is because they misunderstand the purpose of a budget. You should not look at a budget as a “no-no list” for your money, or as someone telling you what you can and can’t spend on various things. Instead, a budget is an instrument of control. It is your plan—devised by you, based on your unique needs and priorities—for where your money will go. How many times have you heard someone say (or thought yourself), “I don’t know where the money goes”? Well, a budget helps you find out. And guess what? If you need to adjust your budget—move some things around, increase or decrease in some areas—that’s perfectly acceptable. AARP has a great free online tool you can use to start setting up a budget—and you don’t even have to be retired to use it. You just need a sincere desire to tell your money where you want it to go, instead of the other way around.

2. No savings

If there is one thing that every financial advisor and wealth manager in the world wishes for, it’s a pill that would make everybody get in the savings habit. There is simply no more foundational behavior for building long-term financial security than the discipline of putting aside money for savings and investment. Of course, this is easier for some than others. Some people get an actual endorphin hit when they deposit money in their account. But a whole lot more get that rush from buying the next cool “toy” or taking an amazing vacation. There’s nothing wrong with toys or vacations, but if they come at the expense of your long-term financial health, they start to look more like addictions—and those aren’t healthy for anybody. The key to saving, especially at first, is to start small, but regular. Put aside some amount of money from every paycheck, and keep at it. When you can, move some of the savings into investments that can earn better returns over the long haul. But if you never start, you’ll never finish. (And by the way, want to know one of the best steps toward regular saving? Putting it in your budget—see #1).

3. No retirement plan

This is a big one. According to a recent survey by TD Ameritrade, only about 40% of Americans have any idea how much money they’ll need in retirement. The quick answer, by the way, is somewhere between 70% and 90% of your pre-retirement income. Take a look at the balance in your savings account, and estimate how long that will allow you to draw 70% of your current paycheck. Don’t like the result? Then it’s time to make a plan. As a law enforcement officer, you have the tremendous benefit of a pension that will be waiting for you when you reach the necessary years of service. But do you know what your benefit will be? If the number doesn’t match your plans for how you want to spend your retirement years, then you’re going to need to start putting aside some extra money sooner, so it has a chance to compound and grow. Investment firm Charles Schwab has a free online retirement calculator you can use to see how much you’ll need to have saved in order to get the retirement income you desire.

At Mathis Wealth Management, we have a thorough understanding of the professional and financial challenges faced by law enforcement officers and other first responders. To find out how we can put our expertise and research to work for you, please contact us.

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Meet Larry mathis

Larry is the author of Mom Was Right: Family Tragedy to Financial Freedom—How a Widowed Mother of Seven Retired Debt-Free. He has spoken for numerous organizations, including the Third Annual Invest in Women Conference, the American Association of Orthodontists, and the Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health at A. T. Still University.

Larry founded Mathis Wealth Management intent upon providing retirees and pre-retirees with comprehensive financial services based on each client’s unique hopes, needs and values. His comprehensive approach enables him to customize strategies for all aspects of a client’s financial life and weave the strategies into an integrated plan so all aspects work together efficiently.

A financial professional since 1987, Larry has the kind of in-depth knowledge that comes from over 30 years of experience. His credentials include a Bachelor of Science in AgriBusiness from Arizona State University and the elite designation of CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional (CFP®), which trained him to help clients with virtually all of their financial needs. As an Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF®), he has a fiduciary responsibility to work strictly in his clients’ best interests.

Larry is a native of Phoenix, and has served the community on the boards of various charitable and religious organizations. He coached youth sports for many years and is still a certified Little League umpire, having officiated in Cooperstown, New York: home of the National Baseball Hall of Fame. He and his wife, Rhonda, have been married for 35 years and have three sons. His leisure activities include hunting, fishing, and singing, and he especially loves horses and riding.

Accredited Investment Fiduciary®

Meet Phil Adams

Phil joined Mathis Wealth Management in 2016, after a successful career as a firefighter.

Most of his career he spent at downtown stations as part of the high-rise team. The last 5 years, he headed up the high-rise task force in the Special Hazards Unit.  Phil has made it his business to understand the ins and outs of the public safety retirement system. He strongly believes that helping firefighters prepare for retirement and guiding them through the city’s sometimes complicated retirement process is his true calling. Phil enjoys teaching and coaching members on how best to take advantage of the excellent benefits provided by the Phoenix Fire Department. 

Phil also has over 20 years of experience in business; he was the CEO and President of Stoneridge Construction for 15 years and CEO and President of Stoneridge Development for over 19 years. He was a founding board member and served as president of the Phoenix Metro Public Safety Football Club, which was the 501(c)(3) non-profit organization behind the football team for Phoenix Fire and Police, the Thunder. That football team won multiple national titles and gave thousands of dollars to charity. He even found the time to coach high school football for 20+ years. The skills he learned from business and coaching are directly applied to the retirement planning, business consulting, and wealth management that he does with his clients.

Phil married his high school sweetheart, Paula, while they were at Northern Arizona University and they have been married for 33 years. They have three adult children, Austin, Nate, and Nicole, and two dogs, Bo and Bella.

Phil is a voracious reader, a huge football fan, and loves to travel, fish, and hike.


Meet Jennifer Panicker

Jennifer’s role is to help make sure everything goes smoothly for our clients.

Jennifer graduated summa cum laude from the University of Wisconsin – Whitewater, with a Bachelor of Business Administration with an emphasis in International Business and a minor in economics.

A native of Wisconsin, Jennifer spent many years in the Chicago suburbs before moving to Arizona. She appreciates no longer having to deal with snow and cold. Her leisure activities include spending time with her husband, Biju, and walking their dog, Petey.

Meet Vickie Gray

Vickie brings a wealth of experience in business to Mathis Wealth Management.

At Mathis Wealth, Vickie schedules Larry’s appointments and processes accounts forms and other paperwork.

While she grew up in Florida, she moved from New York to Arizona with her husband of 30 years, Gary. They currently have two dogs, Jasper and Yogi, as well as one grown daughter. Vickie’s leisure activities include target shooting, reading and jewelry making.

Meet Paula Adams

Paula works alongside her husband, Phil Adams, helping in an administrative capacity with his clients.  

Honesty and integrity are her most highly esteemed values and she hopes to impart them to all Mathis Wealth clients. Her main goal is for each client to truly feel valued and respected.

Paula has been happily married to Phil for 37 years and together they have three children—Austin, Nate and Nicole.  She loves her dogs, Bo, Bella, and Max, and enjoys working out, reading, hiking, camping and spending any time she can with her family and friends.

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This page contains links to third-party company websites. By selecting a link, you will be launching a new browser window. These links are provided for informational purposes only and should not be viewed as an endorsement, sponsorship, solicitation or other affiliation with respect to any third parties. We are not making any recommendations or providing any advice on securities in particular or investments in general. Neither Mathis Wealth Management nor United Planners Financial Services have reviewed the content of, and are not responsible for, the information or the results of the third-party websites.

This page contains links to third-party company websites. By selecting a link, you will be launching a new browser window. These links are provided for informational purposes only and should not be viewed as an endorsement, sponsorship, solicitation or other affiliation with respect to any third parties. We are not making any recommendations or providing any advice on securities in particular or investments in general. Neither Mathis Wealth Management nor United Planners Financial Services have reviewed the content of, and are not responsible for, the information or the results of the third-party websites.

Meet Cameron Mathis

Cameron received his BBA in Finance from Northern Arizona University, where he also completed the certification program in Investments.

Cameron serves our clients as a Financial Advisor, assisting clients with their investment needs, as well their Life, Disability and Long-Term Care Insurance needs.

Best of all, Cameron shares our rock-solid commitment to placing the best interests of our clients ahead of every other consideration.